NMC Healthcare
Dr. Khalid Humaid Harib Al Saidi

Dr. Khalid Humaid Harib Al Saidi

Consultant - Interventional Cardiology

Specialty: Cardiology

  • Dr Khalid has completed MD from Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat Oman He has obtained Speciality certificate in Internal Medicine from Oman Medical Specialty Board, Cardiovascular Medicine Fellowship from University of Nebraska Medical Center USA and Interventional Cardiology Fellowship from University of Nebraska Medical Center USA.

    Area of expertise:

    • Diagnostic angiogram and PCI including bifurcation, left main, heavily calcified,multi vessel and complex PCI

    • Expert in performing and interpreting all echocardiograph imaging, Cardiac CT, Holter monitoring, Doppler and transoesophageal echocardiogram.

    He is proficient in English & Arabic.